Mix all ingredients into a dough which is not fully developed
Dough temperature: approx. 22ºC
Dough rest: Approx. 30 minutes in the refrigerator
Fold the butter plastically before folding (30-45% of the dough, = approx. 60-65% of the flour) Laminate it, fold in once in four (1 x 4) Let the dough rest in the refrigerator After 15 minutes laminate it again, fold it once in three (1 x 3) Let the dough rest again in the refrigerator
Roll the dough into a slice with a thicknees of approx. 2 mm Cut into triangles (12 x24 x 24 cm) and roll them up as a croissant Place the dough pieces on baking sheets
Final proof: Approx. 60 minutes at 28°C
Baking: approx. 15-20 minutes at 230ºC with steam