Dark Malt Bloomers - Vitason Pro Dm 50
- 5.800 g Water approx. 58%
- 5.000 g Wholemeal 50%
- 5.000 g VitaSon Pro DM 50%
- 250 g Yeast 2.5%
Working method
- Knead all ingredients into a smooth and well developed dough.
- Dough temperature: approx. 26°C.
- Scale dough pieces of 450 grams for small bloomers.
- Dough proof: approx. 15 mins.
- Mould into round or long shape and place on baking sheets.
- Final proof: approx. 70 mins.
- Decorate with some flour and incise as desired.
- Bake: approx. 30 mins at 220ºC with steam.