Kaiser Brötchen


Working method

  • Mix all ingredients into a smooth and well developed dough.
  • Dough temperature approx. 26ºC.
  • Bulk proof: approx. 10 minutes.
  • Scale, approx. 30 pieces of 1.650 gram.
  • Dough proof: approx. 15 minutes.
  • Divide, round up and let the dough rest for approx. 10 minutes.
  • Stamp the dough pieces and place the dough pieces on with rice flour prepared inserters or baking sheets. Allow the dough pieces to rise with the stamp facing downwards.
  • Final proof: approx. 50 minutes.
  • Just before baking turn the dough pieces so that the stamp facing is upwards.
  • Bake: approx. 18 minutes at 230ºC with steam.