Sunflower Loaf with decoration


  • 5000 g - 50% Flour
  • 5000 g - 50% Vitason Zonnepit (sunflowerseed) 50%
  • 5000 g - 50% Water approx.


  • 500 g - 5% Sunflower Seed
  • 500 g - 5% Rye Flour

Working method

  • Knead all ingredients into a smooth and well developed dough
  • Dough temperature: approx. 26ºC
  • Scale: Approx. 450 gram
  • Dough proof: Approx. 40 minutes
  • Shape as a loaf
  • Decorate the bottom part with sunflower seeds and the top part with rye flour
  • With a small 3,5 mm round cutter, through a rotating movement slice four circles
  • Final proof: Approx. 75 minutes
  • Baking: Approx. 35 minutes at 230ºC, with steam, bake as oven floor bread