Credi Sponge Cake (Basic recipe)
Sponge cake based on Credi Kapsel / Biscuit.
Sponge cake; baking tins:
- 10.000 g – 100% CREDI SPONGE CAKE
- 8.000 g – 80% Whole egg
- 1.000 g – 10% Water
Sponge cake; baking slides:
- 10.000 g – 100% CREDI SPONGE CAKE
- 10.000 g – 100% Whole egg
Working method
- First mix all ingredients at low speed for 1 minute, then mix approx. 5 minutes at high speed and at last mix 1 minute at low speed (specific gravity: approx. 270-275 g/l).
- Scale disired weight in prepared baking tins of baking slides.
- Bake tins approx. 25-30 minutes at 180-190°C. bake slides approx. 35-40 minutes at 180-190°C.
Use ingredients that are on bakery temperature for best results.