The open innovation centre EBIC
The European Bakery Innovation Centre (EBIC) is an open innovation centre for players in global bakery chains: raw material suppliers for bakery goods, bakery equipment manufacturers, bakeries, retail, food service, bakery ingredient producers and European governments. Contract R&D from idea to implementation has been executed for small companies and multinationals from the USA to Japan.
EBIC serves as a platform for product development and testing and provides a possibility for training, demonstrations and consumer surveys. Even custom made. EBIC believes that ‘knowledge is power’. Creating, sharing and implementing knowledge from different sources improves and strengthens the European bakery chains by turning knowledge into innovations and thus value. EBIC adds value to the European bakery chains by creating, sharing and implementing knowledge and expertise, with the consumer as cornerstone. Examples are sustainability projects in reducing bread waste for the Dutch government in combination with partners in the value chain, protein enriched bread to fight malnutrition in the Western world and discovering new functional ingredients with raw material suppliers.
Fields of activity
- Innovation & Development:
New products and technological developments are generated here. EBIC is open to intensive cooperation between universities, research centres, partners and suppliers in order to achieve innovative concepts. - Application:
An application centre (incl. test bakery) where there is room for creativity in the sphere of applications. - Customer centre:
EBIC offers a programme of workshops, training courses, seminars and presentations. Customers are received in an inspiring environment. - Market knowledge:
The EBIC actively gathers market, product and consumer information and everything in the field of legislation and regulations. Thanks to our investment in ICT facilities, we are able to manage this knowledge and make the right information available to our customers and partners.
- Flour Quality analyses (so not component analyses):
o EBIC Flour Protein Kit: with this kit the protein quality of flour can be determined
o Starch quality - Baking quality of flour and raw materials
- Bread quality assessment:
o expert evaluations
o digital evaluations (with C-Cell, Texture Analyser, Volume Scan, rheometry, water activity)
o sensory and consumer panel evaluations - Contract R&D for the bakery chain: raw material development and evaluations; designed for governements/institutes/universities, bakeries, raw material and equipment suppliers, food service, retail and bakery ingredient suppliers
- Sensory and consumerpanel research (on location, in home, in EBIC)
- Market research
- Pre-auditing on HACCP, AIB, BRC, IFS, ISO22000 levels
- Consultancy and advice
- Training and education (theory, practice and applications)
- Organisation of seminars and workshops
- Rental of the facilities, with or without personel, with and without catering
More information
EBIC is open to everyone in the bakery industry. If you would like more information about our view on know-how, strategic partnership or the development of innovative projects, please contact Dr. Ir. Peter Weegels, Director EBIC, on tel. +31-(0)78-6442529 or e-mail: ebic@sonneveld.com