Perfect shine for pastry & bakery
Get an instant, even glaze onto your bakery products with Real Easy Shine. Making the glazing process quick and easy:
- Ready to use
- Apply before baking
- Versatile application to bakery goods
- Makes your products look fresher and more indulgent
Designed to elevate the visual appeal of your baked goods
To consumers, the appearance of bakery products is of great importance. The first impression often plays a decisive role in how consumers perceive your products. Research confirms: shiny products are perceived as fresher, more attractive and or higher quality.
Gloss and colour are often applied to bakery goods by using an egg-based solution. However, using an egg-based solution has several drawbacks related to ease of use and food safety. This is why we have developed Real Easy Shine.
Using Real Easy Shine is as simple as it gets. Spray it onto your prebaked goods for an instant, even glaze. Whether you’re working with brioche, buns or viennoiserie such as croissants, Real Easy Shine makes the glazing process quick and efficient.
The brilliant choice for bakers
Real Easy Shine offers bakers a hassle-free way to add a brilliant shine to a variety of products, from brioche to buns and viennoiserie! Real Easy Shine offers advantages, such as:
- Golden shine without the use of eggs or milk
- Simple and ready to use
- Apply before baking
- Work in a clean, fast and hygienic way
- Replaces egg or milk wash
- Allergen-free
- UHT treated, thus longer shelflife

One spraycan of Real Easy Shine provides shine for approximately 500 croissants, having a lower environmental impact than pasteurized eggs!

Get started with Real Easy Shine today!
Our team is ready to help you bring brilliance to your bakery. Get in touch with us to start using Real Easy Shine onto your bakery products and see for yourself the difference it makes.
Discover all our release solutions
De-panning your products perfectly depends on two things: a powerful releasing agent combined with a reliable spraying system. It is important to make a considered choice concerning the recipe, baking process, baking tray or tin (type, material, coating, age), the desired shelf life of the end product and the packaging. Find the right release agent suitable for your bakery situation, your machinery and your baked goods by browsing through our range of release agents.
Just a matter of MAKE, SPRAY & BAKE!