Cheese Schnecken

Cheese Schnecken based on QS Tarwemoutbollen (Wheat Malt Buns)
Pieces 0


  • 10000 g - 100% Wheat flour
  • 1500 g - 15% QS Tarwemoutbollen (Wheat Malt Buns)
  • 300 g - 3% Fresh yeast
  • 150 g - 1.5% Salt
  • 5500 g - 55% Water approx.


  • 2000 g - 20% Grated old cheese
  • 50 g - 0.5% White pepper


  • 1500 g -15% Grated old cheese

Working method

  • Mix all ingredients into a smooth and fairly stiff dough.
  • Dough temperature: approx. 27ºC.
  • Dough proof: approx. 10 minutes.
  • Roll the dough into slices of approx. 40 cm width and a thickness of 4,5 mm. Moister the slice with water and spread with grated old cheese and sprinkle some white pepper. Roll it tightly and cut it into pieces of 3 cm and place the dough pieces on with baking paper prepared baking sheets.
  • Final proof: approx. 60 minutes.
  • Decorating: just before baking sprinkle with grated cheese as decoration.
  • Baking: approx. 10 minutes at 240ºC.