Crispy Pumpkin Rolls Picanto
Pieces 0
- 5000 g - 50% Flour
- 5000 g - 50% Vitason Pumpkin (Pompoen) 50%
- 400 g - 4% Fresh Yeast
- 200 g - 2% Sonplus Krokant Extra (Crispy)
- 5500 g - 55% Water approx.
- 1000 g - 10% Sliced Paprika
- 1000 g - 10% Diced Onions
Working method
- Mix all ingredients into a smooth and well developed dough. After kneading directly mix filling in
- Dough temperature: approx. 26ºC
- Scale: approx. 1800 (30 pieces)
- Dough proof: Approx. 10 minutes
- Divide an don't round up
- Decorate the dough pieces as desired
- Final proof: Approx. 65 minutes
- Baking: Approx. 15 minutes at 240ºC with steam
| Bake together to create 'break bread'.