Croissants (Proofing Interruption)
Pieces 0
- 10000 g - 100% Flour
- 1200 g - 12% Sugar
- 500 g - 5% Proson Luxe au Beurre
- 300 g - 3% Fresh Yeast
- 300 g - 3% Proson Freeze
- 150 g - 1.5% Salt
- 5000 g - 50% Water approx.
Working method
- Mix all ingredients into a dough which is not fully developed
- Dough temperature: approx. 20ºC
- Dough rest: Approx. 10 minutes in the refrigerator
- Fold the butter plastically before folding (30% of the dough, = approx. 50% of the flour) Laminate it, fold in once in four (1 x 4) Let the dough rest in the refrigerator After 15 minutes laminate it again, fold it once in four (1 x 4) Let the dough rest again in the refrigerator
- Roll the dough into a slice with a thicknees of approx. 2.5 mm Cut into triangles (18 x 20 x 20 cm) and roll them as a croissant Place the dough pieces on baking sheets
- Freeze it immediately after moulding
- With the brake prover: Place the dough a day before baking in the brake prover and use the rolls programme indicated on the cabinet. With the zero degrees fridge: Place the dough the day before baking in the zero degrees fridge Warm up the dough gradually, be cautious with dehydration
- Baking: Approx. 20 minutes at 225ºC with steam
Max. shelf life of the dough is about 8 weeks