Danish Rye Loaf - VitaSon Danish Rye

Pieces 0


  • 1000 g - 10% Flour (high protein)
  • 9000 g - 90% VitaSon Danish Rye 100%
  • 150 g - 1.5% Fresh Yeast
  • 20 g - 0.2% Salt
  • 6000 g - 60% Water approx.

Working method

  • Mix all ingredients for 8 minutes and knead 1 minute
  • Dough temperature: approx. 26ºC
  • Bulk proof: Approx. 20 minutes
  • Scale: Approx. 1500 grams
  • Mould the dough pieces as a long loaf on a with oil rubbed bench. Roll the dough pills after a while, so that a nice smooth dough skin arises. Then place the dough pieces into with rye flour prepared proofing baskets
  • Final proof: Approx. 40 minutes
  • Turn over the proofing baskets and place the dough pieces on with rice flour prepared inserters or baking sheets
  • Insert at 230ºC and bake approx. 55 minutes at 220ºC with steam
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