Limburg Flan Quark

Pieces 0


  • 10000 g - 100% Flour
  • 20000 g -200% Sonnet Variatiemix Kwark
  • 1000 g - 10% LiquiSon Short Cake
  • 5000 g - 50% Egg
  • 7000 g - 70% Water approx.

Filling 1:

  • Crème Patisserie

Filling 2:

  • Fruit Filling of choice

Working method

  • Mix all ingredients into a smooth and wel developed dough
  • Dough temperature: approx. 20ºC
  • Roll the dough pieces into slices with a thickness of 1.7mm. Cover the flan tins with the slices and remove the remains. Roll the remaining dough multiple times
  • Apply a grid of dough (approx. 1.7 mm thickness) on top of the tin
  • Apply Creme Patissier at the bottom: approx. 200 gram per tin After that apply the fruit filling: approx. 250 grams per tin
  • Baking: Inserts Oven - Approx. 25 minutes at 190ºC
  • Scale in rollout pieces which are reasonable fast to process Leave it under a plastic in th dough rest
  • Dough rest: Approx. 20 minutes