Nonnevotten - QS Melkbollen (Milky Buns) and QS Croustillant (Crispy)
Pieces 0
- 10000 g - 100% Flour
- 1000 g - 10% QS Melkbollen (Milky Buns)
- 1000 g - 10% QS Croustillant (Crispy)
- 800 g - 8% Fresh Yeast
- 150 g - 1.5% Salt
- 1000 g - 10% Whole Egg
- 4300 g - 43% Water approx.
Working method
- Mix all ingredients into a smooth and well developed dough
- Dough temperature: approx. 27ºC
- Scale: approx. 1600 gram (30 pieces)
- Dough proof: Approx. 10 minutes
- Allow the buns to rise and roll out into a twist of approx. 35 cm. After that braid the twist in a form of a ring shape bun. Whose twist ends are poking out of the ring with 1 or 2 centimeters. The cross-section is approximately 6 cm
- Final proof: Approx. 40 minutes
- Baking: approx. 2 x 3 minutes in oil temperature of 180°C
- Divide and round up
- After baking allow it to drain out well. Sprinkle with cinnamonsugar
The cake is very old, because it was offered to the French commanders who wanted to occupy the city of Sittard in 1676. Where the name 'nonnevot' actually comes from is not clear, because there are several explanations for this remarkable name in circulation