Ciabatta (Proson Rustic)
Ciabatta based on Proson Rustic
Servings 0
- 10000 g - 100% Flour
- 5.000 g - 50% Water
- 400 g - 4% PROSON RUSTIC
- Biga
- 200 g - 2% Salt
- 150 g - 1,5% Fresh yeast
- 2.500 g - 25% Water approx.
After 15 hours knead biga, salt, fresh yeast and water into a smooth and well developped dough.
Dough temperature approx. 26°C.
Bulk proof approx. 60 minutes.
Scale dough pieces approx. 200 g and place between dough cloths.
Final proof approx. 40 minutes.
Place the proofed dough pieces on prepared inserters.
Bake approx. 20 minutes at 230°C.