Mix all ingredients into a smooth and well developed dough. Please note that kneading spelt goes faster than wheat. Turn the filling immediately after kneading
Scale: approx. 700 grams and rounding up
Dough proof: Approx. 20 minutes
Moulding the dough piece as a tin bread. After moulding incise on the closure, up to the middle, over the entire length. Place a piece of 150 grams almond paste in the middle and fold it in. Place the dough pieces into round (wooden)baking molds
Final proof: Approx. 30 minutes
Baking: Approx. 50 minutes at 180ÂșC in (wooden) molds. (If used woorden malds present/pack/sell them in the wooden molds!)
Dont't moisture the dough peices and decorate them with Vitason Spelt. Place the dough pieces into round (wooden)baking molds
For better softness in the baked product, we recommend to wash again delivered raisins/currants and soak them briefly