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Figs Nut Bread

Servings 0


  • 5000 g - 50% Flour
  • 500 g - 5% Sonplus Grof Volkoren (Wholemeal)
  • 300 g - 3% Fresh Yeast
  • 5800 g - 58% Water


  • 1000 g - 10% Chopped hazelnuts
  • 1000 g - 10% Dried and chopped figs

Working method

  • Knead all ingredients into a smooth and well developed dough. After kneading mix directly the filling in the dough
  • Dough temperature: approx. 27ºC
  • Bulk proof: Approx. 10 minutes
  • Scale: Dough pieces approx. 480 gram and rounding
  • Dough proof: Approx. 20 minutes
  • Mould as a round or elongated model, depending on the desired shape. Place the dough pieces on inserter or baking sheets
  • Final proof: Approx. 60 minutes
  • Decorate just for baking with rye flour and insice
  • Baking: Approx. 35 minuten at 230ºC


Freeze dried figs cubes soak about 30 minutes in lukewarm water. Mix manual cut figs with a little flour to avoid clump together