Mix all ingredients into a smooth and developed dough. Mixing time: approx. 5 minutes. After kneading directly put mix filling in
Dough temperature: approx. 24ºC
Weigh it in rollout pieces which are reasonably fast to process Let the dough rest under a piece of plastic
Dough rest: Approx. 20 minutes
Roll the dough pieces to a slice with thickness of 10 mm. Then stick it with a serrated pastry plug of 4 cm diameter. Approx. 18 g each. Place the dough pieces on baking sheets (Outcome: Baking: Approx. 2791 pcs)
Baking: Approx. 12 minutes at 230ºC
Package the products after baking and cooling down
If desired, slightly moisten the stretched out dough pieces and dip them in the granulated sugar or the sugar nibs
Packaging advice: Wrap in plastic after cooling and decoration Storage: Cool and dry place