Mix all ingredients into a smooth and well developed dough with the planetary mixer. Make sure that the batter runs separately from the pelvis for the large part. After mixing, directly mix filling in
Dough temperature: approx. 26ºC
Bulk proof: Approx. 35 minutes in proofer to rise
Pre mould the dough after the bulk proof. Once the dough comes off, approx after 5 minutes, scoop the dough pieces with the ice squeezer into the frying equipment
Baking: Approx. 2 x 3 minutes in oil temperature of 180ºC
After baking, allow it to drain out well. Dust it with icing sugar
For better softness in the baked product, we recommend to wash again delivered raisins/currants and soak them briefly. Oliebollen without filling: process with 6% yeast