Mix all ingredients into a smooth and well developed dough
Scale dough pieces of approx. 400 gram, mould square for roll out
Roll the dough to a thickness of approx. 3 mm. Spread soft butter on the rolled out dough. Spread sugar, raisins, cinnamon and anise (according to your own taste) over the butter. Mould a roll off the dough slice and place it in a lubricated turban tin. Place the turban tins on with baking paper covered baking sheets
Final proof: Approx. 30 minutes
Baking: Approx. 40-45 minutes at 180ºC.
Dough proof: Approx. 15 minutes
Dough temperature: Approx. 26ºC
For better softness in the baked product, we recommend to wash again delivered raisins/currants and soak them briefly